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I am Clyde "Buddy" Brewer, owner of Woodgrove Turnings, LLC. The business is located in Loudoun County, VA in the beautiful foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. My wife, Sharon, and I built our house ourselves thirty eight years ago. Carpentry is just one area of woodworking I have enjoyed. In addition to building a couple of garages, our house, and a barn, I have done cabinetry and furniture making. For several years my wife and I made small craft items for a catalog retailer. The money from that endeavor payed for a very well equipped shop.


The early 80’s found me buying my first lathe and having the good fortune of attending a couple of turning classes by internationally known woodturners. They were great instructors and taught me a lot of good techniques. For some reason, my interest in turning eventually waned and I just continued with the cabinetry and furniture.


Many years passed and I was invited to attend a woodturning group that met once a week at a location very close to home. I finally went one night and fell in love with turning. It provides me with a sense of being creative and artistic that I didn’t have in other phases of woodworking. Sometimes I get a plain looking piece of wood and try to make it more attractive through the design of the object. At other times, I have a piece that is absolutely beautiful as it is cut from the tree. The object then becomes to design something that just compliments the natural beauty of the wood and not over design and diminish the beauty of that piece.


There is great satisfaction when the turning has been completed and I see the grain pop as the finish coating is being applied. That just makes me ready to start on another piece.

Whether or not you buy anything, I hope you enjoy looking at what I have to offer and will return often to see what has been added.

   © Woodgrove Turnings, LLC   

Round Hill, VA 20142

Some photographs © Bob Updegrove. Special thanks and acknowledgement to Bob

for taking the better pictures and for trying to teach me to improve my photography..

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